Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What ever happened to TV theme songs?

Quick! Think of a TV theme song.  What comes to mind?  Chances are, it's nothing from the last 10 years.  Sure, animated shows have theme songs but what about the live action shows?  There are plenty of good instrumentals out there (The Mindy Project being one of my current favs) but none with lyrics. 

Different Strokes.  Cheers.  The Love Boat.  Greatest American Hero.  All classics.  But in 2013, I can't think of one single prime-time show with an opening theme with which you can sing along.  Was Friends the last good theme song?  So my challenge to all the TV execs out there is to insist that all new shows added to the fall line up must have a theme song that makes watching the opening credits worth it.


So Hollywood, let's get back to producing killer theme songs.  I bet Joey Scarbury is available. If he's not, I'm willing to step up and give it a shot.

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