Tuesday, May 28, 2013

You never forget your first

Do you remember your first mp3 download?  Of course you don't because, well, because it was too easy.  It required little thought and little cost.  But your first album?  Or cassette?  Something you had to actually save money for and then bike/walk to Karma or Peaches or some other record store to purchase?  Oh, those were exciting days.

Here's a list of my musical firsts and I'd be so curious to know yours as well.  I can remember so clearly these moments in my musical history.  I can't remember when I learned to write my name in cursive or solve my first long division problem, but I can remember when the Little River Band became a part of my life. 

First album received: "The Nature of the Beast" by April Wine.  I won it at a school carnival.  I had never heard of this band but "Just Between You and Me" quickly became my favorite song.

First album purchased: "Thriller" by Michael Jackson.  I was more of a .45s kinda guy (cheaper than buying an entire album) but "Thriller" was a must have!

First 45: "Take it Easy on Me" by the Little River Band.  It took me hours to learn this song on the piano and I'm pretty sure I broke the needle on the record player, but I couldn't get enough of this song.

First Cassette: "Cargo" by Men at Work.  I was so excited to bike to the store and purchase this tape with my own cash.  I still have this cassette thought I don't break it out anymore - I downloaded the digital album years ago.  Colin Hay still makes me happy.

First CD: "Joshua Judges Ruth" by Lyle Lovett.  Not sure why I bought it but I was glad I did.  It was probably on sale.  $18.99 for one CD?  Girl, you crazy. 

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